Monday, July 18, 2011

Self pillow talk

Well...every time when I try to post something in my blog..I felt like I was abandon my blog for few century time. Review back my last post I has more than 3month never update to my blog, and the reason I gave myself was...*I m busy*

This is a stupid and foolish excuses...I had the time but I don't have feel to write on it even those there are many things can b written on. But I do not do so because lazy loll...sometimes I think that my biggest weaknesses was I m too lazy n like to drag everything to the last matter work ,study ..I do can I change this bad habit? I wad trying to push myself to be more aggressive but can I be more hardworking. Oooooo...Duno loll...

Haizzzz...felt sleepy n tired for using my phone to write blog...goood9